Videos in Marketing

March 13, 2023

“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” Simon Sinek

Videos in marketing can be the difference between success and failure when it comes to someone engaging with you, buying with you, or even jotting down your name for a potential meeting down the line.

In this blog, find out why they’re such an important tool in your marketing shed.

You never get a second chance at a first impression, and you want the best first impression possible for your organisation.


In fact, videos in marketing and on your website are likely the first impression people have of your entire organisation nowadays. Think about the modern consumer, usually busy, looking for a quick solution, constantly glued to their screen and straight to Google for any answers they may have.

If there’s mention of your organisation or you match what they’re searching for, do they take the time out of their day to have a look around at what you offer in person?

What’s more likely is they’ll go straight to your website and have a look round. Which leads us onto the question, is your homepage a good shop window?

Are you filled up with hard-to-find information and still images? Does bland text hurt your eyes a little bit?

OR, do you have an eye catching headline video that shows off everything that you are? According to Forbes, viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it on video, compared to 10% when reading it in a text. The increase in clickthrough rate with video is as high as 96%, and videos are shared 1200% more times than links and text combined.

It’s also a nice little side benefit that the Google algorithm absolutely loves videos and helps with SEO. It will boost you right up the rankings and help you appear more often on searches.

Social Media

The same concept applies for social video marketing.

The buyer we’re talking about will be active across most social media channels and likely check you out there too, especially if you link out from your website.

Of course, not every post on social media has to be video and we aren’t suggesting that they should be, but you definitely need some, even short video marketing.

Not just because it’s visually impressive and shows off what you do better than any other medium, but because it adds some weight to your content and makes people think that this is an organisation with something about them, or in other words builds trust with the buyer.

Besides all of that, video posts on social media get 48% more views. Why? Because it’s intriguing! It creates interest and gives you credibility.


Adding a product video onto your landing page can increase sales by 80%. Yep, 80%.

We could bore you with some stats about videos in marketing and the subsequent effect on sales, but honestly, you might as well give it a quick Google of it yourself (after reading this blog of course) and gain an understanding of the power of it.

We mentioned trust earlier on, but if you’ve worked in sales, or in fact made a reasonably lavish purchase yourself, you’ll know that trust is the cornerstone of everything.

If you didn’t trust the Apple as a brand, would anyone blindly buy the new iPhone? Would there be opening events and people camping outside the Apple shop?

For the prices they’re up at, of course you wouldn’t. You’d likely wait to see reviews, the noise about it on social media, maybe have a play on your friends’ new gadget.

But how do videos build trust?

Product videos in marketing – People can see your product in action and see that you aren’t the local Del Boy. Whatever it is, if you’re selling something physical, there’s a way to demonstrate its use.

Even if your business is a service, there’s always ways to show you what you do.

Testimonials are a great way to do just that – get real life people to give real life reviews of your work and their experiences with you. Case study videos are a great way to include your product and a testimonial, but if you can just get someone sitting down and talking about how good a time they had working with you, it adds so much value to what you say about yourself.

Video is Booming!

Truthfully, videos in marketing are becoming more accessible and widespread as more people realise how powerful a tool it can be.

Eventually, it will move from being a stand out to being a standard.

It’s always possible to catch up, but it’s better to stay ahead of trends. Among you and your competitors, do you want to be known as a pioneer of videos in marketing? Then get to it!

If you want to talk about videos in marketing, or upgrading your content strategy, we’d love to hear from you! We work with organisations at completely different stages of their video journey, so don’t be shy.

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