This Oul Fermin Life

The Brief

Working together with the Ulster Scots Agency and NI Screen we were commissioned to create a series of short films that would shed a light on the often forgotten local language Ulster Scots. The aims of the project was to promote conservation and the use of Ulster-Scots as a living language and to promote an understanding of the history of the Ulster-Scots.

The Approach

With a love of poetry and spoken word we wanted to base these films around some of the most inspiring and creative artists in the country. Ulster-Scots Community’s have an important role to play in raising awareness of UlsterScots within the wider community and we focused on the work of Charlie Gillan. He is a poet and native speaker of the Ulster-Scots language. His work reflects his deep love and understanding for the countryside and the rural community in which he lives and we thought it would be interesting to create a visual representation of this in a dramatised film. In this poem Charlie reflects the harshness of a farming life in rural Ulster but at the same time expresses the joy of nature and the stewardship of the land. We decided to film in a location that emphasises these themes in a beautiful setting that showcases our culture and inspires us to think about the importance of
family in a modern world and helps us understand the simple things that we should appreciate and value.

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